
Sunday, May 08, 2005

For my past 2 yrs and 2 mths of my NS life, i've seen part of the good, the bad and the ugly side of the officers and specialists on the SAF. The above pic is a naval diver... Looks garang right....
However, similar to every organisation, NDU has its fair share of black sheep and alarmingly unfit regular servicemen. These are the pple who NSFs and their fellow regulars despise and show little respect.
Some of them show these characteristics(frm my experience):

(1)Firstly, they do not respect the integrity of the pple who they are suppose to be in charge of.(Mostly NSFs )

(2)Secondly, they expect servicemen of lower rank to recognise them for their rank when they come into camp in their civilian clothes.

For eg, there was one time while doing guard duty, my friend did not salute a Captain(only a small fry) because he did not recognise his face and because he was in his car and also not in his uniform. The captain went to park his car in the carpark and then came back to the guardroom to give my friend a gd lecture.

I quote his exact words(not exaggerated):

Captain ****** :"Do u know i am an officer?(he pronounced Oaficer) How long have u been in this camp?"

CPL(My friend) ***:"Not sure Sir, neva seen u ard sir. I've been here 2yrs"

Captain ******: "U dun know i am an officer??? Ok, make sure everybody in the guardroom knows i am an officer!!!"(Pts to the guardroom at the same time). He then walks away...

Come on la... Anyone can be an officer in e SAF la... Just get a diploma and then go thru a 9mth OCS course. U shud set an example to ur men.
Your behaviour turns pple off. What has all ur training taught u? There's no need to be so proud... If u want pple to greet u, wear uniform and book in la next time. Everyone will be able to see ur rank this way... Common sense right...

(3)Thirdly, the third kind of blacksheep are those who are alarmingly unfit and have problems passing their IPPT(individual physical proficiency test) for years.
It is a wonder why the SAF retains pple like them. All the TAXPAYER's (me and u included) money goes into paying their salaries. They run like as if they were having a heart attack and they still call themselves SPECIAL FORCES. Maybe they were fit once, but not anymore.
These pple shud go, leave the SAF pls. I feel cheated of my money now...
If war does breakout and i go to war with them, I'll shoot them first.

I'm not saying every officer or regular is like that.
But there are among them a FEW who are....


  • At Monday, December 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think I know who your friend is.. Hahaa... Bloody Oaf-ficer.. Nice to read all these blogs, someone should save all these down man... Noel's too.. would be great to reread them when we're 50 and retired.. hahaa..

  • At Thursday, March 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    who's that guy in the poster?


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